Occasional musings of a Traditional Catholic thinker and writer
Monday, November 22, 2010
Notes from around
There are a few overdue notes to which some links are in order:
To begin, recently was commemorated the bicentennial of the Mexican Republic. Readers will know that I'm not a great supporter of republics, and I'm certainly not blind to the sins of the Mexican Republic, particularly during its most anticlerical periods, such as the Cristero War, the execution of the Emperor Maximilian, and so forth. Nonetheless, throughout all the tumult, though Mexico may often have forgotten Our Lady of Guadalupe, I highly doubt Our Lady of Guadalupe has forgotten Mexico. Andrew Cusack has recently posted much about Mexico, which can be found here.
Next, 125 years ago this past week was executed the Father of Manitoba Louis Riel for treason. Whether Riel should be considered a hero to his Catholic, traditional Métis people or a traitor to the Crown and the Canadian provinces he helped create, a noble and faithful chief or a crazed, self-anointed prophet, is one of the open questions of the history of the North American continent to my mind. Depending on whom one asks in Canada to this day, Riel is either Charlemagne or Che Guevara. I thus leave the reader to draw whichever conclusion he may about Riel's revolts. Having the great Canadian voyageur well-represented in my bloodline, though, I send my warm and affectionate regards to my cousins on the prairie on this occasion. Vive les Métis!
Furthermore, recently several anniversaries of Charles De Gaulle, the liberator of France and almost universally acclaimed the greatest president of the French Republic, have passed: the 120th anniversary of his birth and the 40th anniversary of his death. I've often cited the example of De Gaulle as evidence that France is by nature a monarchy. In the midst of national crisis, Monsieur le Président was made president by acclamation (like a monarch) and the constitution of the Fifth French Republic was written explicitly to accord with his style of government (like a monarch), his strong rule saving France as a prime player upon the international stage, under the sway of no other land.
Lastly, His Imperial and Royal Highness Dr. Otto von Habsburg celebrates his 98th birthday. Though he has never taken a throne, his long life is exemplary for a royal in this age, whether crowned or uncrowned. Thanks to J.K. Baltzerson at Wilson Revolution Unplugged for this image and link.
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